~November 9, 2011~
So I have not kept this page up to date, not that anyone but me is watching. Nevertheless, I recently revised my blog, renamed it and changed the URL to better fit my future endeavors, going pro in Photography! I will still keep my knitting hobby page, as it is a part of me and I often knit for my etsy store. So here is an update. I am right now in the process of knitting up some items for a beautiful babies fundraiser and am so happy to help out=) I have also finished a few baby items.
All three of these items are in infant sizes, and are so stinkin cute=)
~January 19, 2011~
No I'm not 80! Okay, my blog, as mentioned before, was started for photography purposes. Mainly for me to record my growth in one of my favorite hobbies, soon to be career (I hope!). But as long as I am here, why not dedicate a small space to my other interests, right? I started knitting, like many other women, when my first child was a baby. And almost instantly fell in love with the craft (art), that is after the callouses healed and the fabric I created wasn't ripped out two rows in.. I am one of those girls with anxious hands, must be moving, doing something. I found myself raking my hands through my hair or picking invisible lint off my clothing. My mind tends to run and run on worries and concerns. 'What if' was a huge issue for me after the birth of my daughter; as it is with any new parent. When I started knitting, my mind could clear, my hands could do something productive. In the end there was a more balanced me and a useful work of art, a hat, a scarf, a sweater, socks, toys, whatever it was, it was appreciated. Its been 3.5 years now, and I am no less in love with the art of creating knitted fabrics. If anything, I am more so engaged with my needles and fiber.
On this page I plan to share what I have made, what I'm planning, and things I find interesting or must haves for any knitter. Of course all based on my opinion=)
New born pod Photo Prop made for my cousin, yes she has achieved my dream of going pro=)
Pattern by Angie Hartley found at her Etsy shop here->4asong
~January 20, 2011~
Back in October my husbands cousin offered to do my family portraits, the shoot was on the house! She even offered to hand over the disc of images so we could print them where ever, I declined, preferring a good professional print package and for her to get something out of this session. Well, I am still trying to decide on the prints I want and how many, what family members should get.. But the exciting news, the cousin wants to trade knitted props for prints, sounds good to me! So, I am planning a hammock, but need to order the giant size 35 us needles (sheesh). In the mean time I have completed, possibly the cutest, newborn hat ever. Pic coming soon (modeled on my daughters dolly). Pattern can be found here, the kind designer is offering it for free=) Neanners Shop 'My Munchkin Hat'. This little hat turned out so cute and cuddly, with great bulky texture, I am going to have to knit one up for the day I too have newborn sessions<3